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Our reviews

(16 Reviews)
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Do you like Barakat Restaurant Sarnia? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

November 17, 2023
Very professional. Thank you

July 03, 2023
Fresh, and delicious!

June 21, 2023
Okay? Nope. All Right? Nope. Superb? Oh yeah! Abbitt and Moe man that's one fantastic Chicken sandwich and the rice is excellent too, Thanks for great service and a great meal!


May 01, 2023
Great food and good portions. Lots of variety with the #2 Plate Combo.

March 12, 2023
Fav place in town. Great tasting food. Would recommend.

February 17, 2023
I always RAVE about this lace and the food. I convinced my coworkers to order from here for our office lunch. Unfortuanlty, they missed the mark… Missing toppingschicken was dry and poutine was not available. I didn’t even receive a phone call to advise me prior to delivery that an ordered menu items was not available. I would have ordered something else in place of the poutine:

January 26, 2023
Online order - in store pickup
Ordered wraps and hummus ….. very good!
Prompt friendly in store service (again)

Thank you

May 05, 2022
Best falafel wrap ever! Love it.

February 23, 2021
Great food - excellent service

January 07, 2021
As fantastic as always!